Friday, August 20, 2010

A home for Froggy

The frog the Mom found
Hard working boys
Well, it seems that whenever we camp with the Cooks, we are blessed with a location that inhabits small, green, four legged, jumping friends.  Yes, I am talking about frogs.  Last year, when we camped with Cooks, the boys (and Aspen) built a lovely Frog home, complete with shade, rocks, and water.  This year was no different.  As you can see, Carter is hard at work creating the perfect frog home.  On the first day, some of the kids found several frogs in one place - it was quite exciting.  On the second day, they must have decided it was too hot to come out because Carter could not find a frog for his fabulous new frog enclosure.  Mom had to step in and find one for him.  I thought I was so cool finding a frog for Carter until Aspen told me that it was one of the frogs that the kids had found the day before and they had hidden it behind some big rocks (where I found it). 

1 comment:

JRoberts said...

Ha ha ha a frog stays where you put it! :)

Good job being a Mom with frog hands! We have some in our backyard that we made a home for, but I can't tell you how many Mom's won't touch them because they are "Yucky"! :)