Friday, May 21, 2010

My New Life

Some of you have seen this on my FB, but for those of you who haven't, watch it! What an inspiring story... I follow her blog (nie nie dialogues - there is a link at the end of my blog)


I am experiencing technical difficulties with the karate video. Hopefully I can get it to work soon!

Karate Tournament

Jaren participated in his first karate tournament at the beginning of May. He was so pumped to be involved in this tourney! First, he started out with his kata. For all you non-karate people, it is basically a series of choreographed movements that the club members perform. Then, they are judged on how well they perform each kata. Jaren did pretty well. He seemed a bit nervous (as one can only imagine), but he didn't even make any mistakes. He ended up placing fifth in his belt/age class.

Next came point sparring. This is where the fun begins! The kids (and adults too) don protective head, hand and foot gear and fight for points. Jaren did very well at the point sparring. He was having a great time - not me - I was on pins and needles! Not because he was fighting, but because I wanted him to do well. Once you lose, you're out and I just wanted for him to rock it! And, HE DID! He got first place in point sparring. He had to duke it out with one of his school buddies and then the last battle - for first, was against a very fiesty girl! In this picture above, Jaren is getting his trophy for weapons sparring. He got third place in weapons sparring. Funny thing is, his school mate that he beat in point sparring, got 1st in weapons (go John)!
Jaren with his hardware from a job well done! HOORAY for you buddy!

Here is video of one of his point sparring matches.

Recylced Vehicle

For one of Jaren's class projects, they had to make a vehicle out of old or recyclable materials that they had around their homes. Linds came up with the idea of a candle car - Da Bomb, to be precise! They made this little vehicle by melting old crayons in a tin can, and pouring the wax into an old light bulb. When the wax hardened, they broke the bulb off and added nails for axels and bottle caps for wheels. Oops, I forgot that they put a string inside for the "wick" and Mom wrote the words "da bomb" on it. Pretty cool!

Tyler gets an Award!

Our crazy little dude getting the Seven Habits Hero Award!
At the boys' school, they follow the Seven Habits for Highly Effective People and each month, children from each class are awarded a certificate for following these habits. This time, it was Tyler's turn!
Tyler is trying really hard to make kindergarten a successful year. He is such a smart little dude and has been reading for awhile now. He loves going to school every day and always goes with a smiley face!
At school, he has had a few stumbles, but he is trying to remember the things that he has learned and how to be a good friend! We love you so much Tyler!