Monday, September 15, 2008

Tyler's Cooking Creations

Okay, so having a four year old means that we have all sorts of interesting things happen around our house. One of those "things" is Tyler and his wonderfully wacky food creations. On this particular day, he decided he wanted to make his own "bunwich." On this bun he put, M&M's, cheese string, carrots and a yougurt tube. YUM! And then it was time for eating...

Oh and by the way, he has many more weird and wacky favorites. I don't care if he does it - as long as he eats it! EW!!


JRoberts said...

YUCK! that really looks gross...ha ha. you are a better mom than me. i don't let them do that in my kitchen! :)

Melanie Anne said...

That is hilarious! A little boys dream--what a sweet MOm you are!!

Mindy said...

That is so gross... I can't believe he'll eat it! I can see the fun in making it though. :)