With football season in full swing - we are keeping super busy. Both Kayden (#4) and Jaren (#72) are playing this year. The team is grades 7-9, so Kayden is on the Senior end of things, and Jaren is a newbie!
This picture was maybe not the best because that catch that the brown team member caught was meant for Kayden. They have a brand new quarter back, so they are working out some things. Oh well, it is what it is!! He (Kayden) has been having a pretty good season - he already has three touch downs and has had some pretty great plays. So far, the newbie has only played a couple of minutes (more than some others though, so he is happy). Jaren does get to start tomorrow night at the away game in Brooks though! Hooray! And, so far, the weather has been really nice for us fans. Fingers crossed it stays that way!!!