My favorite day of the trip!! We journeyed about 45 minutes to White Rock - aka tourist town.
We started off at a nice little beach (I can't remember the name), where the kids played in the sand and water, found shells and buried one another.
We had a picnic lunch and some of the braver people dove off the pier into the freezing cold ocean. But, I am getting ahead of myself. First - I was able to meet up with a dear "old" friend who I have known since I was Tyler's age! It was so great to see her (before she jetted off to France - lucky gal). She brought her sweet little daughter with her and although we couldn't visit long - I was so glad that she took the time to come and see us!!!
Kayden (above) and then Kayden and his pretty darn chicken Mom jumping off the pier! It was so cold!!!
The professionals - Rob and Lindsey diving and flipping. These pictures are f separate times the guys jumped/dove.
All the cuties lined up and sitting on Kayden!
Ah...Kayden, the Merman!!