Thursday, September 22, 2011

Must post summer pictures!

Okay, so I am feeling like a major slacker.  It is September and I don't have my summer pictures on here yet!  TOO much going on.  I keep telling myself it will happen soon! 

I just finished making a shutterfly book of all of our summer pictures.  What, you ask?  How do you have time for that and not time for blogging?  Well, shutterfly put a fire under my butt by offering me a free book - but it had to be finished by last night at 11:59 pm.  I finished it at 10:20 (plenty of time to spare)!  I really do love shutterfly books though.  They are well made, super EASY to make and not a bad price (especially when you get them free now and again)>

Anyway, here is something else we have been up to lately - going to the dentist, aka Uncle Bob.  This is Tyler getting a filling - the first kid in our family to get one.  He was super brave and got to have two prizes from the prize box!  He was so funny with a frozen little face!  I was afraid he was going to bite his cheek or lip, but all was well!


JRoberts said...

I've always wondered what that looks like...Ive never been on this end!

Mindy Halladay said...

Me too Jaime! That is one of the reasons I took a pic and was so fascinated with it!