Sunday, October 31, 2010


Boys and girls of every age,
wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see,
this our town of Halloween...

Once a nerd, now a zombie.  A fierce (ok, so not so scary looking) vampire slayer, and yes, a furry little werewolf.  These were the scary things that lurked around our house for our Halloween carnival and trunk or treat at the church Saturday night.  We all had a blast.  Tyler, maybe had too much fun, and had to sit in the van cause he had the pukies (really though, there is a stomach flu going around and I'm sure that's what he had).  We had a great time and are so excited for next Halloween!

Tonight we are headed out to Grandma's for a spooky meal and a Halloween Classic that Lindsey and I watched as kids: "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," (yes, the animated version)!

And poor Kayden!  I didn't get a picture of him.  He dressed up as a Jay Hawk fan.  The Jay Hawk is his school's mascot!  He looked cute!  OOPS, I mean cool.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I especially like your little werewolf!