Monday, September 20, 2010

APPLES, apples and MORE apples!

Look at these yummy things I was able to make out of my MIL's apples!  I made 5 apple pies, (as you can see from the first pic) and these three large bowls of apple sauce.  Some of the sauce I mixed with strawberries and bananas and either froze or made into leather, while the other portion I left plain (and did the same sauce/leather thing.

It was super easy making the apple sauce (the kids loved using the strainer.  In fact I did most of it while they weren't home and saved some cause I knew they would like it) and the cooking apples made my house smell DELICIOUS!

Thanks grama for all those apples!


JRoberts said...

ha ha ha! She had soooo many apples! I took LOTS from her (and was so greatful) and LOTS from 3 other friends...I am all appled out!

Your MIL is so generous with her produce. What a blessing.

Melanie Anne said...

Mmm I bet your house did smell delicious! How fun. I think I need to find a good orchard around here--since I don't have an apple tree or family connections to apple trees anymore! (boo-hoo!) Hope your doing well! Happy fall! glad the King is doing better!