Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You're so vain...

Yep, that is what I was thinking this morning after I reached for my perfume bottle and knocked a brand new bottle of nail polish out of the medicine cabinet. It smashed on the counter, the wall, the sink, the door, the floor, my flat iron, the CARPET, and me. All because I wanted to smell nice! Ha!
I was so grateful for cleaning products! SOS pads and Mr Clean Magic Eraser did the trick on the sink, counter and lino. The carpet, well, I left the few dabs on there until I could find out how to do that properly without wrecking anything. My flat iron now has purply pink swirls on it (it used to be white) and I too, am spattered with the nasty polish! Yes, I did try to Magically Erase myself, but it didn't work very well (; Oh, one more place, the door - I can't seem to get it off there yet either.
The things we do to make ourselves purdy ladies! Honestly!
When my kids got up - they all said, it smells funny in here - like nail polish.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I have to admit I'd have probably said some bad words, what a mess.