Friday, February 12, 2010

OuCh Jaren!

A perfect day of sledding with friends, then OOPS, a brother jokes around and the outcome: two stitches to the back of the head. Jaren was really against going to the hospital, but grama advised us to go, so we did. Jaren really did NOT want to get stitches - he was hoping for the glue. The doctor opted for stitches because of the location and funny thing is, Jaren couldn't even feel him doing it! A little freezing goes a LONG way. By the time we were all through, he was feeling pretty happy. Stitches = pop from dad and $5 from grama. Not so bad after all!

1 comment:

JRoberts said...

OUCH! Love how I am not the only one who has bribing people in my family. "O you got hurt...Let me give you stuff, money, slushies, stuff...that will make you all better!" :)